EDECS Foundation
EDECS Foundation

We build for people - We build with people - We work in giving back to our people and create a lasting impact in our environment

EDECS Foundation Overview

EDECS Foundation, born from the vision and compassion of EDECS, stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment. Established as a separate entity in November 2023, our foundation is deeply committed to addressing the immediate challenges faced by communities.

With unwavering dedication, we aim to be a steadfast source of aid and support, ready to extend help wherever and whenever it is needed. Our promise mission revolves around swiftly responding to pressing needs, illustrating our commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve.

After paying back to the community for years, EDECS inaugurated its EDECS Foundation determined to make substantial contributions to social responsibility and community engagement through a variety of impactful organized and sustainable initiatives.

EDECS Foundation Vision:


To create a compassionate and inclusive environment where every individual is empowered to thrive, fostering a sustainable future for all.


EDECS Foundation Mission:


To foster empathy, collaboration, and empowerment by providing support, resources, and opportunities to individuals and communities in need. We strive to create sustainable and impactful initiatives that address social, economic, educational, and environmental challenges, promoting positive change and equitable access to opportunities for all.




  • Economic Empowerment and Development
  • Providing scientific, cultural, and educational services
  • Environmental Protection and Conservation initiatives 
  • Delivering healthcare services
  • Offering social assistance and support
  • Elderly Care
  • Family, Childhood, and Maternity Care 
  • Care for individuals with special needs and disabilities
  • Boost the culture of giving


We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of transparency, ensuring that our donors and partners can trust in the responsible allocation of resources. Through meticulous planning.

Good Governance

Our decision-making processes are guided by principles of good governance from our Board of Trustees, with a focus on equity, justice, and the effective delivery of our mission.

Ethical Practices

Integrity is the basis of our work, and we strive to uphold ethical practices in all aspects of our operations, from planning to project implementation.

Enhancing Access to Quality Education

Technical and Vocational Education and Training TVET: 
We finance and support vocational training programs that equip individuals with the skills needed to secure meaningful employment. From technical workshops to entrepreneurial training, our programs open doors to economic prosperity.

We provide scholarships for talented Egyptian students (especially technical education) to pursue their education, ensuring that they have the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to the country's progress.

Upscaling Programs:
Recognizing the importance of a skilled workforce, we offer training and upscaling programs for engineering and construction staff, enhancing their theoretical and practical expertise.

Environmental Protection and Conservation initiatives

Implementing eco-friendly initiatives that safeguard and sustain our natural resources. We actively promote environmental awareness and actions to preserve and maintain ecosystems, ensuring these efforts benefit all communities. Through our programs, we strive to create a lasting positive impact on the environment, fostering a culture of sustainability.

Supporting Community Development

Community Support


We offer comprehensive assistance to families experiencing challenges in fulfilling their basic necessities. Our support is designed to alleviate immediate financial burdens and provide a safety net, ensuring that essential needs such as food, housing, and utilities are met. Through our commitment to fostering stability and promoting well-being, we aim to create a stronger and more resilient community.


Economic Empowerment & Development


Supporting communities with resources and opportunities to boost economic growth and self-reliance


Healthcare Support


We cover the costs of essential surgeries, medical treatments, and medicines for those in need within our specific targeted locations, ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent individuals from receiving the care they require. Our healthcare support program is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of community members for healthier, and more productive lives


Social Assistance & Solidarity


Providing protection and support to marginalized children is a key priority, as we strive to create a more just and equitable society for the future generation.


Women's Empowerment


Our initiatives aim to empower women, breaking down societal barriers and creating opportunities for them by supporting families, children, and mothers with the resources and care needed for their development


Scientific, Cultural, and Educational Services


Promoting technical education, vocational training and cultural heritage to enrich and educate the underprivileged


Elderly Care


Ensuring that unfortunate senior citizens receive the respect, care, and support they need for a dignified life


People with disabilities


Offering specialized support and resources to enhance the quality of life and ensure equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities in underprivileged communities

Supporting Community Development

Here’s how we align our actions with our foundational aims:


1. Community Engagement and Support:


  • Charitable Donations and Humanitarian Aid: Through making charitable donations and providing aid in crisis situations, such as collaborating with the National Alliance for Civil Development to support those affected in Gaza, we directly address urgent humanitarian needs and support long-term recovery efforts.
  • Workshops:  Conducting workshops plays a crucial role in educating and empowering communities, particularly in vulnerable regions, thereby enhancing their capabilities and resilience.


2. Sustainable Practices and Partnerships:


  • Sustainable Construction Practices: Implementing sustainable practices in our projects not only minimizes environmental impact but also sets a standard for responsible construction that contributes to healthier, more sustainable communities.
  • Healthcare and Education Initiatives: Our partnerships with organizations like Mervat Sultan Foundation to combat blindness and the Ahl Masr Foundation for Burns Treatment reflect our commitment to improving healthcare access and outcomes. These initiatives are aligned with our focus on supporting healthcare and education as pillars for empowering communities.


3. Community Development and Empowerment:


  • Food Security Projects: Collaborating with the Egyptian Food Bank to distribute food boxes during Ramadan addresses immediate food security issues and supports community welfare
  • Village Empowerment: Working with the Emad AbdelNaby Foundation to empower poor villages in Upper Egypt shows our commitment to enhancing the quality of life and economic opportunities in underserved regions


4. Transparency and Accountability:


  • We uphold strict principles of transparency, integrity, and accountability in all our endeavours. This commitment ensures that our resources are utilized effectively and that our contributions have a meaningful impact on society.
Partners in Good

EDECS Foundation proudly collaborates with a network of esteemed organizations dedicated to humanitarian and community development efforts. 

EDECS Foundation's dedicated approach to swiftly responding to humanitarian crises, collaborating with like-minded esteemed entities, and empowering vulnerable communities through strategic actions and sustainable solutions exemplifies our deep commitment to making a positive, lasting impact. 


This comprehensive approach not only addresses immediate needs but also fosters long-term development and resilience in the communities we serve.

Here is a list of some of our key partners

Zeroprime Technologies

Implementing a recycling machine at EDECS HQs for plastic bottles and cans. Employees can earn points and discounts at supermarkets by recycling a set number of bottles.

Egyptian Food Bank

Ramadan Food Boxes: Partnered to pack and distribute food boxes to underprivileged families, ensuring they have whole, warm meals during the blessed month of Ramadan.

Humanitarian Aid for Gaza

Collaboration with the National Alliance and Egyptian Food Bank to pack food boxes for humanitarian aid, providing essential support to families affected by the Gaza crisis in Palestine.offering a lifeline during challenging times and crisis.

Mervat Sultan Foundation

1. Raising awareness about preventable blindness

2. Providing treatment and support to those affected

3. Support the implementation of surgical operations if necessary

Emad AbdelNaby Foundation

Providing monthly financial aid to 1,000 families in Assiut remote villages, demonstrating our commitment to social responsibility and community development.

Ahl Masr Foundation

Deliver extensive care and support for burn patients, encompassing medical treatment, rehabilitation, and ongoing recovery services.

El Orman Foundation

Providing financial aid for critical medical cases and supporting El-Orman orphanage.

Misr El Kheir Foundation

1. Supporting indebted women by offering financial aid and support,helping them regain financial stability and independence.

2. Supporting Palestinian students in Egypt since the outbreak of the crisis.

Life Makers Foundation

Worked together to distribute meat during Eid al-Adha to underprivileged families, ensuring they can partake in the festive celebrations.

Upper Egypt Disadvantaged Villages

projects aimed at improving living conditions, infrastructure, and providing essential services to the poorest villages in Upper Egypt.

Baheya Foundation

1. Raising awareness about women's health issues and the various obstacles they face, including cancer awareness, through joint campaigns and educational initiatives that promote early detection and comprehensive care.

2. Support in equipment and covered medical cases.

The Egyptian House of Zakat and Charity (EZCH)

1. Collaborated to provide essential aid and support for underprivileged families.

2. Supporting International Students at Al-Azhar University.

Al Nas Hospital

Partnered to support the provision of free, high-quality medical services for children with congenital heart defects. This collaboration aims to enhance patient care by focusing on both medical treatment and emotional well-being, promoting a child-friendly environment.

Share a Smile

Collaborated to pack and distribute food boxes to underprivileged families during Ramadan, ensuring they had access to essential meals during the holy month.