Project Overview
This project, led by EDECS, involves the construction of a multi-purpose terminal at Safaga Seaport, Egypt, characterized by its emphasis on building a 550-meter-long, 17-meter-deep Quay Wall using gravity-type concrete blocks weighing up to 110 tons. In addition to this focal point, the project encompasses a range of tasks vital to the terminal’s functionality and structural integrity. These tasks include jetty construction, rock backfilling behind the quay wall, anti-scouring rock installation, piling works, front/back beam construction, berth furniture installation, and crane rail installation.
Project Details:
Marine & Port Facilities
Ministry of Transportation - Red Seaports Authority
Modern Engineering Consulting Office “MECO”
Project Type:
Concrete Block Quay Wall
Contract Details:
Role in Contract:
Main Contractor
Contract Type:
Contract Duration:
24 Months
Completion Date:
December 2023